Home Denver News Asylum seekers make stop in Denver on journey to relatives’ homes

Asylum seekers make stop in Denver on journey to relatives’ homes


DENVER — A total of 55 immigrants seeking asylum came in Denver early Monday morning.

They were brought here from El Paso this morning where over conditions forced government officials to send them out.

They’ve been disbursed to sanctuaries throughout the city.

At the Denver Community Church, immigrants seeking asylum started pouring in at two a.m.

They might no longer handle them and came from shelters that became overcrowded.

Others have been taken the First Unitarian Society Church, a sanctuary for immigrants.

Another group was taken to yet another church off South Colorado Boulevard.

American Friends Service Committee lawyer Jennifer Piper said, “The three congregations that stepped forward to support this effort really support plenty of other vulnerable communities, the homeless and could respond quickly.”

The asylum seekers arrived on a day when activists blasted Gov. Jared Polis, saying he turned his back on the community by supporting ICE’s efforts to deport undocumented immigrants.

With problems persisting along the border, FOX31 is told more asylum seekers could be headed to Denver in the weeks and months to come.

We tried to reach out to Gov. Polis’ office for a response but so far we’ve not heard back from him.

Meantime, the 55 immigrants who arrived overnight should be leaving Denver Tuesday.

They’ll head to relatives’ houses throughout the nation as they wait for court proceedings.

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