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Gold Mining | Homesteading Skills


Want to understand more about mining? If you wish to know the some facts about gold you’ll be able to find in the United States plus a few basics, then you re in for a treat!

Guide to Gold Mining <spinbar> Homesteading Skills” width=”625″ height=”935″ srcset=”https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Gold-Mining.jpg 625w, https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Gold-Mining-150×224.jpg 150w, https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Gold-Mining-350×524.jpg 350w” sizes=”(max-width: 625px) 100vw, 625px” /></p>
<p>Gold Mining</p>
<p>The hard cash you need to pay for your homesteading dreams can be picked up off of the ground!  (literally!)</p>
<p>Have an area you want to build your homestead, but can’t find regular employment there?  Maybe your ideal homesteading location’s scenic unspoiled natural beauty is perfect for you and your family’s future plans, but you have no way to pay for it without working full time, and your full-time job is hundreds of miles away?  There is a saying among the natives of beautiful Northern Idaho: “You can’t eat the scenery! ” Some homesteaders who live away from convenient employment are able to make enough hard cash from the sale of homemade honey, herbs, art, crafts, etc. to pay for the modern necessities that can’t be made at home, but for most these money making trades aren’t practical.</p>
<p>How would your life and homesteading plans change if you had a source of hard cash that didn’t require an employer or managing customers and a business.</p>
<p>Would you be surprised to know that at $1,122.00 an ounce, gold could allow you to fulfill your homesteading dreams?</p>
<p><img alt= Homesteading Skills at https://homesteading.com/gold-mining/” class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-49658″ src=”https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-87-stockphotos.jpg” alt=”” width=”625″ height=”413″ srcset=”https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-87-stockphotos.jpg 625w, https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-87-stockphotos-300×198.jpg 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 625px) 100vw, 625px” />

The typical man will protest that gold prospecting is straightforward:

You have to travel to places like Alaska to locate it.
Gold prospecting is really a business where a few succeed.
You need to invest in expensive heavy equipment and chemical methods to be successful, etc..
Following the 1849 California gold rush, all the available gold is gone and has been excavated.

Check out Gold Mining <spinbar> Homesteading Skills at https://homesteading.com/gold-mining/” class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-49655″ src=”https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-84-stockphotos.jpg” alt=”” width=”625″ height=”415″ srcset=”https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-84-stockphotos.jpg 625w, https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-84-stockphotos-300×199.jpg 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 625px) 100vw, 625px” /></p>
<p>What if all of those ideas propagated by the media are the exact opposite of the facts of locating/collecting gold resources in the lower 48 states?</p>
<p>Would you be surprised to know that the U.S. Geological Survey, the United States’ premier earth science agency, published a National Resource Assessment in 1998 that included estimates of undiscovered gold?  The U.S. Geological Survey’s report focused on gold deposits that were “of sufficient size and grade…to have economic potential. ” The USGS reports on the mineral resources of the United States for the benefit of the U.S. industry, so the minimum “sufficient size and grade” considered for this national resource assessment was the minimum to have economic potential for a mining corporation.  Of course the minimum “sufficient size and grade” for an individual spending their weekends prospecting would be considerably less!  And at over $1,000 an ounce, it would take very few ounces of gold recovered on a weekend to meet the “economic potential” requirement of an individual.</p>
<p>Gold Mining Facts</p>
<p><img alt= Homesteading Skills at https://homesteading.com/gold-mining/” class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-49657″ src=”https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-86-stockphotos.jpg” alt=”” width=”625″ height=”468″ srcset=”https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-86-stockphotos.jpg 625w, https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-86-stockphotos-300×225.jpg 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 625px) 100vw, 625px” />

Some facts in the 1998 USGS National Resource Assessment on GOLD:

The U.S. Geological Survey claims that 13,200+ metric tonnes of undiscovered gold is waiting to be collected in the lower 48 states (424.4+ Million Troy Ounces worth approximately $514 Billion).
There is over 2 and frac12; times more gold awaiting to be discovered at the lower 48 states than could be discovered at Alaska!

3. The U.S. Geological Survey claims that 77.2+ million ounces of undiscovered gold is waiting to be gathered east of the Rocky Mountains (worth approximately $92.6 Billion).

4. The U.S.G.S. claims that 347.2+ million ounces of undiscovered gold is waiting to be gathered west of the Rocky Mountains (worth approximately $416.6 Billion). (No surprise there!)

5. Much of the gold awaiting to be discovered in the United States isn’t “gold” colored. (You might be standing on it and not know!)

Check out Gold Mining <spinbar> Homesteading Skills at https://homesteading.com/gold-mining/” class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-49653″ src=”https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-82-stockphotos.jpg” alt=”” width=”625″ height=”415″ srcset=”https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-82-stockphotos.jpg 625w, https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-82-stockphotos-300×199.jpg 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 625px) 100vw, 625px” /></p>
<p>Some other interesting gold facts:</p>
<p>6.  Gold has been found in over 75% of the United States.</p>
<p>7.  The first gold rush in U.S. history occurred in 1799 in North Carolina.  There have been at least 10 major gold rushes in U.S. history.  Most people know of the Carolina gold rush, but there have been nine others spanning the width and breadth of the lower 48 states and Alaska.</p>
<p>8.  One of the largest gold deposits in the western hemisphere with proven gold reserves of over 100 Million+ ounces ($67.5+ Billion) was discovered as recently as the 1960’s.</p>
<p>9.  A Gold mine is Wisconsin State produced $2.0+ Billion worth of Gold, Silver, and Copper between 1993 and 1997.</p>
<p>10.  A Gold mine in Nevada produced 2.8 Million ounces of gold and 10.8 Million ounces of silver between 1984 and 1993, worth $3.55+ Billion.</p>
<p>12.  A 20.2 lb.  Gold nugget was found in southern Alaska in 1998.  “The Alaska Centennial Nugget”, 294.10 Troy Ounces, was found by Barry Palmer as he operated his bulldozer.</p>
<p>13.  A 6.07 lb.  Gold nugget was found in Butte County, California in July, 2014 by a small-budget Gold Prospector and sold to an anonymous collector for $400,000.00!</p>
<p><img alt= Homesteading Skills at https://homesteading.com/gold-mining/” class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-49654″ src=”https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-83-stockphotos.jpg” alt=”” width=”625″ height=”625″ srcset=”https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-83-stockphotos.jpg 625w, https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-83-stockphotos-150×150.jpg 150w, https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-83-stockphotos-300×300.jpg 300w, https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-83-stockphotos-100×100.jpg 100w” dimensions =”(max-width: 625px) 100vw, 625px” />

The U.S. Geological Survey also publishes statistics and information for minerals of economic relevance of each nation. There are significant mineral deposits in each state which can be developed for a gain and can provide the money that is hard to encourage a homesteading lifestyle. The information needed to begin your search can be located in: USGS Minerals Information, State Minerals Statistics and Information.

It’s not tough to learn to locate, identify, and collect gold and other valuable minerals. Geologists spend years learning to identify rocks and know the earth’s geology. However, if you’re interested in knowing the geology of a specific area or region, the job is less.

An former USGS Scientist’s newly released eBook, “The Essential Introduction for New Gold Prospectors, Second Edition” introduces its readers into the crucial skills required to locate, identify, and collect gold and other economically valuable minerals. This eBook has obtained the review ratings from prospecting pros, a professional reviewer, and eBook purchasers.  Amazon.com provides the eBook for instant downloading which can be read using the Kindle app. For viewers who favor an eBook format which can be downloaded and watched everywhere, a high quality, improved version of this eBook in PDF format is available in the writer ’s website. An eBook in PDF format can be downloaded from Amazon.com, but also the caliber of the PDF formatted copy is inferior.

A free eBook is also accessible from the writer ’s website that discusses the background of the gold resources of the United States and prospecting. “The (Secret) History of Gold Prospecting in the United States, and the 38 countries where gold is already located ! ” This free eBook doesn’t have the multitudes of links to other reference materials (Gold study, maps, reports, videos, etc.) which “The Essential Introduction for New Gold Prospectors, Second Edition” does, but it will provide many essential facts about the golden resources of the United States in a format that’s easy to read and intriguing.

Check out Gold Mining <spinbar> Homesteading Skills in https://homesteading.com/gold-mining/” class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-49656″ src=”https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-85-stockphotos.jpg” alt=”” width=”625″ height=”415″ srcset=”https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-85-stockphotos.jpg 625w, https://homesteading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/homesteadingphotobank-85-stockphotos-300×199.jpg 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 625px) 100vw, 625px” /></p>
<p>What will you find on your premises, in your area down the street?  Is it a flow with gold in its own gravel waiting to be awakened?  Or a 2 Billion+ massive sulfide gold deposit such as the one located in Flambeau, Wisconsin in 1993?  (A gold deposit which looked like ordinary black and red rock—not “gold ” at all?) .  Unless you acquire the basic mineral identification abilities introduced in “<a href=The Essential Introduction for New Gold Prospectors, Second Edition” the odds are extremely good you will never become attentive to the mineral wealth at your toes which could enable you to achieve your dreams!

Want to see what day gold mining looks like? Then check out this movie from PigMine 2:

Does this make you feel confident to provide a go to gold mining? Let us know below in the comments!

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Originally posted on February 13, 2016 @ 1:00 AM

The article Gold Mining | Homesteading Skills appeared first on Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid | Homesteading.com.

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