Home Denver News Review – Santigold Turned Ten Years Golder at the Fillmore Auditorium

Review – Santigold Turned Ten Years Golder at the Fillmore Auditorium


Things got a bit golder in the Fillmore Auditorium last night, with Santigold bringing her debut record, Santigold, out on a school night. The release has functioned as the first of three studio records that have solidified her as a member of the generation’s audio, being followed by 2012’s Master of My Make-Believe and 2016’s 99¢.  The songstress looked and sounded every bit as successful as she ever has, promising her fans a decade has experienced her craft and obsolete her record. 

On April 28, 2008, Santigold hit the scene with her smash hits that were genre-bending that sky-rocketed her with a few of the more recognizable sounds of our time.  Now over 10 years have gone by, she decided to kick off the anniversary tour in Denver, with her friends.

She brought Naeem along with her to warm her set up. The audience that was early was cried by the fellow singer with a laid back, mellow set complete with light that was dark and seemingly home videos dancing on a giant screen behind him. Just after 9:40 p.m., Santigold, actual name Santi White, hopped out and livened up her audience.

She pummeled the stage true to form in a gold jacket and trousers and blond wig and mercilessly dove into “You’ll Find a Way” before “L.E.S. Artistes,” shattering any notion that the setlist would remain loyal to the records. “Say Aha” was thrown out next, while the backup singers and dancers moved in synchronicity to Santigold, singing in the center.

“How many bands don’t make it to Denver because of the roads? She asked, sparking laughs and referencing the weather that has dipped into our atmosphere the past couple of days. Vigorous grooving along to tracks like “Anne” and “Unstoppable” generated a heat-wave throughout the audience, shaking the snowflakes in the shoulders of their bodies.

Announcing the next song is “I’m a Lady” earned a cheer from the Fillmore, but caused some strife. “These old songs are tough to sing she said with a laugh. “But I like singing that tune. It’s some shit huh? ” “Superman” and “Shove It,” rounded out the remainder of her main set, the latter of which prompted Naeem to join the show again to contribute to the song.

“It’s that time of the show, everybody! ” she exclaimed as she members of her audience to join her on the stage, which makes it appear to be a occasion. “Who would like to come up and jam with us? ” Once the participating patrons had assembled, the bass dropped and “Creator” swept up the moment and rocked the area in a rainbow dance party. 

In with sparkle and out with bang she came and went, but the set was nothing to scoff as Santigold was the only goal of one’s evening. After the audience of fans had filed off stage, it was obvious had Santigold, and on came the house lights. A performance like the one last night demonstrated that time has no limit on a fantastic piece of artwork when that artwork is certain to be played and a room will fill.

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