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The Block 2021 episode 45 reveal: Josh and Luke receive one of the lowest scores in Block history


Josh and Luke’s filthy, unfinished and useless spaces have earned them one of the lowest scores in the history of The Block.

Judges Shaynna Blaze and Darren Palmer each gave the twins just three points, while Neale Whitaker awarded them a lowly two points, after being disgusted and disappointed with their efforts.

The duo did not take the criticism well.

“It’s completely awkward and weird space. We’re really pissed off,” Josh said bitterly.

“I have nothing to say to them,” Luke added.

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“It’s completely disrespectful and they can go and get f****d.”

Shaynna's face says it all. The judges are disgusted by the twins lounge room. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9

Shaynna’s face says it all. The judges are disgusted by the twins lounge room. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9

The judges were initially impressed by the twin’s garage door, which also provided pedestrian access within it. They also liked the wallpaper inside but noted that the space was very basic and unfinished.

While they hoped that this was because the twins had been focusing all their energy on finishing the rooms inside, they quickly discovered that was not the case when they reached the bombsite of a loungeroom.

“Where is the bloody respect?” Neale bellowed, throwing his hands in the air in despair as he took in the mattress balanced atop of the boys’ lounge suite, the rolls of toilet paper and dirty tools atop chairs and bits of insulation batons piled next to furniture.

The twins house is piled high with building debris and rubbish. Picture: supplied, Channel 9

The twins house is piled high with building debris and rubbish. Picture: supplied, Channel 9

With boxes and dirty dishes strewn everywhere, and a thick layer of dust covering everything in sight, the judges feared the twins were damaging their house with their carelessness.

“What message is this sending out? It’s saying: ‘we don’t give a flying….” an unimpressed Neale trailed off.

Darren, who has always been a staunch ally of the twins, chimed in: “This is inexcusable. It is a pigsty.”

The trio were equally disgusted and perplexed by the room the boys had been working on this week. The strange lounge room/study with an unfinished ensuite that was too cramped to use comfortably – if at all — left the judges gobsmacked.

The judges said the only way to salvage the twins unfinished and unusable ensuite was to tear it all out. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9

The judges said the only way to salvage the twins unfinished and unusable ensuite was to tear it all out. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9

“That bathroom needs to go. It’s a planning disaster,” Darren said as he surveyed the tiny room without enough space to open a shower door or to sit on the toilet without crashing into the sink.

They didn’t find much to impress them in the basement either, where they discovered a carpeted wine bar, without plumbing or a fridge that was covered in a layer of grime and dirt.

“Nothing functions. It’s all useless,” Neale said, wondering if the boys had basically thrown in the towel on finishing their house let alone winning.

“If Neale wants to complete four areas in a week, I will give him a brush and see how he goes,” Josh said.

And Luke, of course, was equally furious, adding: “He can come and paint. I’d love to watch him paint. And until then, he can shut up.”

Twins Josh and Luke say they'd prefer to hold their own

Twins Josh and Luke are done with the judges. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9

It was a different story when the judges visited Ronnie and Georgia’s house where they found a stairway in plastered heaven.

Taking in the impressive spiral staircase, Darren remarked: “It just feels like this amazing corkscrew spine that connects the whole house.”

Shaynna, who was particularly fixated on plumbing for some reason, was wowed by the (unfinished) powder room by the backdoor, enthusing it would be great when the owner came in from a hard day shopping and desperately needed to use the amenities.

She was equally delighted upon discovering the downstairs loo, saying it meant people wouldn’t have to be running up and down the stairs to the bathroom if they were enjoying a film or some wine-tasting in the basement cellar and entertainment rooms.

The judges were also delighted by Ronnie and Georgia's spiral staircase. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9

The judges were also delighted by Ronnie and Georgia’s spiral staircase. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9

The trio found a lot to like at Kirsty and Jesse’s place too.

While the judges could sense that the couple’s funds and time had been spread thin with this week, they were still impressed with what they achieved – particularly those five wine fridges that they won in kitchen week and that took 13 hours to get down the stairs to the cellar.

“Kirsty and Jesse are at the pointy end of the competition where they no longer have the money to deliver rooms to the same standard but they’re working out their priorities,” Neale commented, perhaps in a subtle dig at some of their competition.

It was a different story at Ronnie and Georgia's house where Shaynna swooned over their powder room. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9

It was a different story at Ronnie and Georgia’s house where Shaynna swooned over their powder room. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9

Certainly, Tanya and Vito’s efforts to prioritise their spending this week didn’t exactly wow the judges.

While they found their 1980s pub-style games room fun, they questioned whether it added anything to the value of the house. Especially when the couple – like the twins – had decided to only include three bedrooms.

“Everything we have seen so far (at Ronnie and Georgia’s and at Mitch and Mark’s house) can at least read as a four-bedroom house on the marketing brochure. Now that doesn’t compare well to the other houses,” Darren argued.

“It doesn’t help any bank valuing this house when comparing three-bedroom houses in their valuations. It’s not a smart move. It’s actually a huge mistake.”

Darren felt too, that the double doors leading out of garage, would have been better leading out from a study. Darren recommended they framed up the area and presented it next week as a study/fourth bedroom space, a suggestion that Tanya and Vito seemed eager to embrace.

In contrast, the judges were impressed by Mitch and Mark’s use of garage space, where they found the couple had created an upstairs office area.

While full of praise for Mitch and Mark's clever use of space in the study, the judges hated their basement design. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9

While full of praise for Mitch and Mark’s clever use of space in the study, the judges hated their basement design. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9

“This is great stolen space,” Darren said.

“This is the space that shouldn’t have existed. And this is a really great allocation of space that would have otherwise just been void space above the garage.”

Momentarily buoyed by the judges’ feedback, Mitch and Mark were once again left fuming by the comments about their basement loungeroom/wine bar which Neale dubbed their “panic room” because it felt as if they didn’t quite know what to do with it so, decided to do it all!

“Visually it’s very cluttered,” Neale said.

“I don’t know where to look first. I feel like I am sitting in a very cramped bedsit.

“I can’t figure out what it’s meant to be.”

Mitch wasn’t having a bar of their comments on his wine bar/lounge room.

“They obviously didn’t understand our intent, which didn’t surprise me at all,” he said archly.

At the very least the twins and their former foes Mitch and Mark will have something to bond over this week – their mutual contempt for the judges’ feedback.


Ronnie and Georgia: 27

Kirsty and Jesse: 26.5

Mitch and Mark: 23

Tanya and Vito: 19.5

Josh and Luke: 8


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Episode 42: Block builder confronts Vito over Tanya’s lies

Episode 41: Tempers boil over as Tanya’s lies reach new heights

Episode 39 & 40: ‘There’s something wrong with Kirsty’- singer targeted by Twins

Episode 38: Knives are out for Kirsty and Jesse

Episode 37: Hell week sees one block team fail to finish

Episode 35 & 36: Block team is caught breaking rules again

Episode 34: A shock death rocks The Block

Episode 33: Petty Georgia’s nasty Block act

Episode 31 & 32: Block team verbally abuses producers

Episode 30: “It’s taking the piss”: War on the judges heats up

Episode 29: Mitch tells Block judges to ‘go f*** yourselves’

Episode 27 & 28: Lip synch battle and fruit fight divides The Block

Episode 26: Winners aren’t grinners as Block teams boycott victory dinner

Episode 25: Twins sticking their finger up at the judges

Episode 23 & 24: Shelley Craft encourages Block teams to shirk rules

Episode 22: What made Vito storm off The Block

Episode 21: ‘Old-fashioned public toilet’ — Block room slammed

Episode 19 & 20: Jealousy runs rampant during tense Block challenge

Episode 18: Superior organisational skills or cheats? Mitch and Mark in hot water

Episode 17: ”It’s crap”: The Block’s tackiest room slammed

Episode 16: ‘Piece of trash’ The Block descends into chaos

Episode 15: Block cheat flushed by hidden cameras

Episode 14: What caused Block’s biggest cheating scandal in TV history

Episode 13: Master bedroom reveal marred by cheating controversy

Episode 11 & 12: Georgia threatens Block foreman for ruining plan

Episode 10: Serious Block accident leads to walkout

Episode 9: ‘Atrocious’ bathroom stuns Block judges

Episode 7 & 8: Block contestants worried about ‘novice’

Episode 6: Absolute bulls***: Fury over judges’ ruling

Episode 5: Boozy night lands one Block team in hospital

Episode 3 & 4: Love Island twins accuse Mitch and Mark of copying

Episode 2: Love Island twins stick boot into country singer

Episode 1: Shocks, showdowns and soup-inspired style

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